Resources for Faculty and Ed Prep Programs

Test Preparation and Program Planning: Information and Resources

Test Information

On the Tests page, you and your candidates can find:

  • General program and test information
  • Licensure/certification requirements information

Review information on Test Development Activities.

Helping Candidates Prepare for Foundations of Reading

Make sure candidates know how to make the most of these preparation tools:

  • Test framework PDFs
    Define test content
  • Study guide
    Provide general test information, test-taking strategies, test frameworks, sample questions, test directions, and open-response rubrics
  • Practice test
    Provide sample questions plus information about how to use the practice test in a study plan, evaluating answers, and calculating a score
  • Prep videos and computer-based testing tutorials
    Provide information to help candidates prepare effectively and become familiar with the computer-based test experience and testing center

Helping Candidates Prepare for FLEX

  • Provide information about Series FLEX Foundations of Reading, an innovative option that is now available to some Utah Foundations of Reading candidates who have come very close to passing their Series Foundations of Reading subject matter test.  
  • Discuss how educator preparation programs can provide appropriate support to students who have registered to complete Series FLEX Foundations of Reading (900 & 901).

Worksheets and Handouts

Candidate Readiness Profile Word document.
Have the candidate complete this before your first planning meeting—includes instructions and useful information for candidates and advisors

Objective-to-Course Matching Chart: Word document. aligning course content with test objectives
For use by

  • candidates—to assess how completed coursework aligns to test objectives and to identify gaps
  • ed prep programs—to assess alignment of course offerings to test objectives

Study Outline Chart Word document.
Provided for candidates in Section 1 of the Study Guide (Test-Taking Strategies), with instructions for use in the "Develop a study plan to focus your studies" section

Interpreting Score Report Information and Assisting Candidates

Score report explanation

Helping your candidates interpret their test results
Information on interpreting candidate score report information and advising candidates on future preparation

Educator Preparation Program Planning and Use of Data

These resources may be used in program planning and describe how to understand and use candidates' performance information.

Understanding and Analyzing Program Data
Information about reports provided to educator preparation programs and the state education agency

ResultsAnalyzer™ Information
Information about how to use this online tool to view, analyze, and complete reports using test results data

Technical Information

Technical Manual (updated annually)

The Foundations of Reading test is administered by the Evaluation Systems group of Pearson. It was originally developed for the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) program. Information regarding the initial development and validation of the Foundations of Reading test is available in the MTEL Technical Manual Opens in a new window.. Additional development activities were conducted with panels of educators in other states where the Foundations of Reading test is used.

Test Validity and Reliability PDF opens in a new window

Test Schedule and Score Report Dates

Purchasing Vouchers

Vouchers are available for purchase to provide candidates with full or partial credit toward fees for test registration.

  • Preparation programs may purchase vouchers in order to assist candidates whose test fees were incorporated into tuition.
  • State agencies may offer vouchers to candidates in support of a specific policy, such as providing them to candidates who meet certain state eligibility criteria to retake a test.
  • Vouchers can be purchased in any quantity and in any dollar amount, determined by the state agency or preparation program.
  • Candidates are able to use vouchers as a form of payment when registering for an exam. Note that vouchers must be applied during the initial registration; they cannot be applied retroactively to existing registrations.
  • Vouchers are valid for one year. The effective dates of the vouchers may be determined by the purchaser.
  • Voucher usage may be tracked upon request in order to identify any unused vouchers prior to expiration. The unused vouchers may then be renewed and redistributed to candidates, ensuring their use.
  • Preparation product voucher purchases are not refundable.
  • All voucher purchases are final and ineligible for refund.

To purchase test registration vouchers: Please complete and submit a Voucher Request Form. PDF

To purchase Right Start vouchers: Please complete and submit a Right Start Voucher Request Form. PDF

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